Do you find yourself still hungry after eating a bag of potato chips, chocolate, bread, or even cookies?  I know I do!

I have always wondered why certain foods always leave me still hungry after I just eat them.  When it comes to a bag of chips I definitely find it hard to stop 😉

So I decided to do some research on the topic, “Why Some Foods Leave You Hungry.


In the Wall Street Journal, author of “The Skinny“, Dr. Louis J. Aronne, wrote that


“refined carbohydrates and foods with high sugar and fat content promote what he calls “fullness resistance.”  This happens in part because refined carbohydrates raise blood-sugar levels, setting up an insulin surge that drives blood sugar down again, causing rebound hunger. That insulin spike also interferes with leptin, the hormone secreted by fat cells that should tell the body to stop eating. Obese people have loads of leptin, but it either doesn’t get to the brain, or the brain becomes resistant to it. “This is not a failure of willpower, it’s a physical mechanism.  The body also becomes resistant to insulin, setting the stage for diabetes.”


To read more about Dr. Aronne’s theory you can purchase his book on