Food, is a fundamental and intimate part of everyone’s life. 

For the past three months, Michelle Obama, along with policy director Jocelyn Frye and and Sam Kass, an assistant chef, along with many others have been an advocate on making the public know the importance of a healthful diet.

The success of the White House garden has become an unqualified success.  To create that down-to-earth feeling, Obama has invited local schoolchildren, to the garden to teach them how eating healthy is fundamental.  Produce from the garden is donated to Miriam’s Kitchen, which serves healthful meals to the homeless in Washington.

“The garden showed the step-by-step process of how food gets to the table, but the major event culminated in cooking and eating,” Kass said. “We’re really trying to highlight that it all leads to the table.” 

Obama is trying to highlight the issues that most directly affect children: “We’re focusing on kids, even though food and health are issues we all face,” Kass said. “We want to look at the process from how and what is grown to how it gets to our plates without going in a million directions.” 

Though Michelle will be taking the month of August off, she will relaunch her quest in September, just in time for the back-to-school rush, and push the debate over funding for child nutrition programs including school breakfast and lunch.