Do you ever wonder what foods you should place in your freezer to keep over time?  While I was researching this subject I cam across this article from Real Simple, stating that the majority of foods that contain a lot of water should not be frozen.  Though I am sure that many of us will place meats and poultry items in the freeze it is always good to remember that their quality will lessen with time.  

However, here are a few examples,  that should never be stored in the freezer:

  • Cottage cheese, ricotta, and cream cheese due to its soft consistency and high water content.  When these cheese come out of the freezer and return to room temperature they will become loose and lose its fluffy texture. 
  • Shelled eggs, which by common sense is known to be dangerous to your health if consumed after frozen.  Freezing eggs will cause the eggs water content to expand and potentially crack the shell allowing bacteria to seep in.
  • Mayonnaise and cream, food emulsions, if frozen will develop large ice crystals that will puncture the cell walls.  When these thaw, they will separate and curdle.
  • Fresh water vegetables, such as celery, lettuce and cucumbers can be frozen but when de-thawed they will become soggy and limp.  Not very tasty.

Image: noodlepie/Flickr