(Image: Drewm/Flickr)

Ooeeeyyy Gooeeeyyyyy Condensed milk

A thick, sticky-creamy, heavenly substance that drips off your spoon and into your mouth as you swallow the delightful cream known as Condensed milk.

Sweetened condensed milk is a mixture of whole milk and about 40 to 45 percent sugar, which is heated until about 60 percent of the water evaporates.  Condensed milk is often used in baked goods and desserts such as candies, puddings, and pies, as well as a substitute for cream and sugar in coffee drinks.

As a child, spending my summers in Jamaica, I would sneak out of my bedroom and creep into the small dark kitchen looking for a clean spoon to use as my accomplice while in search for the glorious tin can with the big red and blue writing… CONDENSED MILK.

Remembering feeling such victory when I would say to myself, “YES! I GOT IT! AND EVERYONE IS SLEEPING!”

Oh how many times did I get caught by my grandfather who would hear little noises outside his bedroom and come chasing out the door thinking it was mice trying to get into my grandmother’s kitchen… HA HA HA! 🙂

How I laugh at that long ago memory.

It’s amazing because condensed milk is used in so many things in Jamaica, on hardo bread as a snack, in cornflakes as a substitute for milk, but of course the main thing I used it and still do use it for is in my coffee… not just any coffee though, Jamaican coffee.

There is nothing like some fresh brewed Jamaican Blue Moutain Coffee with condensed milk diving inside of it…. I shudder at the thought of it!

Yummmyyyyyyyyyyy! 🙂