Big fluffy pancakes always are a BIG hit in my household… especially when they are light and delicious.  The special ingredient for these pancakes is the delicious eggnog mixed inside.  Even for those who are not a fan of eggnog these pancakes are sure to change your mind.  It’s a great way to start your Christmas morning… because I made these the day before Christmas my family will be waking up to homemade cinnamon rolls Christmas morning… recipe to follow I promise! 🙂

Hope you enjoy! Happy Christmas Eve…

Eggnog Pancakes


2 tablespoons butter, unsalted

1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

2 heaping teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon granulated sugar

1 teaspoon cinnamon

Pinch salt

1 1/3 cups Eggnog

2 eggs, large

Butter, for frying pancakes


Melt the butter and set aside to cool slightly.

In a large bowl, measure out the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Stir to combine.

In another cup, measure the Eggnog, beat in the eggs and then the slightly cooled butter.

Add the liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients, whisking as you do so.

Now, heat either a griddle or nonstick frying pan, smear with a small bit of butter and then start frying. I use a 1/4-cup measure if for each pancake. When you see bubbles forming on the surface, flip the pancakes over and cook for a couple of minutes.

Stack pancakes onto plate, pour maple syrup all over and enjoy!