2013! Wow can you believe it…  I can’t.  A new year usually means its the one time in everyone’s life where so many different resolutions are being made, I’m sure each and everyone of us have all made resolutions at one point in time– I need to make more money, I need a new job, I need to lose weight, I needs to get married, I need to have patience with my kids and/or husband/wife, I need to be healthy.  These are just only a few to name the list can go on and on…

Just yesterday my son turned to me and asked what my New Year’s resolution was going to be?  Of course I have been contemplating what I would choose to make as my resolution the minute that ball dropped at 12:00am last night.  The conclusion I came up with was simple…  To not make a so called “resolution” but a “decision”… A simple yet difficult decision ” TO BE A BETTER ME.”  That means in all aspects of my life.

Yes, like the resolutions listed above I want so many of those things for example… I have decided that in order for me to be a better mother and wife I need to be a healthier and better version of Tasha.  That means getting back on my regiment of working out each day, making healthier choices and being more active.  Yes, I fell off the wagon last year but I think it has to do with not doing it for me.  Starting my own personal 90-day challenge that enables me to lose the amount weight, which I will share with you all after my 90-days, with before and after photos… Eeekkkkk lord give me strength to show you all that.  Completing my first 5k run in 2013 is another goal, and of course getting my sexy back is not a bad thing either. 🙂

But do not think that because I will be challenging myself that I will stop sharing all of the yummy food I make… Of course I will, that will never stop or change, a girl still has to eat… Just smaller portions and better choices!

My better me decision also entails spending some time dedicated to just devotional.  I know that when I feel more connected spiritually I feel better and am better.  I am also a much better mother and wife, with more patience and understanding.

Honing, dedicating more time, and learning more about something I love to do and that is food blogging.  Making sure that I attend at least two food blogging conferences this year and really transform what I have worked so hard for.  Using the skills and passion I have been blessed with and following the path set before me.  Wherever that may take me.

I think the reason I am pretty much putting it all out there in this little thing we call blogosphere is that I need accountability… I need people kicking my bootie and encouraging me, and me encouraging them as well.  It’s team work and I know if I can do it I would love to have others join me and challenge themselves as well.

To a Better You in 2013!!!
