Food Buzz Category

Get you 411 on how to cook and learn all about whole grains. — Chow Ever been introduced to the Quadruple Down Sandwich… if not here’s your chance.  — Eat Me Daily Are you eating more hotdogs due to today’s recession? — The Epi-Log  The Latest from the Industry Twitterati. — Eater Jamie Oliver dances as the Village People. — […]

In celebration of gay marriages in the state of Vermont, Ben & Jerry’s announced the changing of their iconic flavor Chubby Hubby to “Hubby Hubby.”   With the launch of ‘Hubby Hubby’, Ben & Jerry’s is partnering with Freedom to Marry to raise awareness about why marriage equality matters and encourage nationwide support for the […]

So do you all rememeber when we met Little Gordon, a pint-size Bitish version of Chef Gordon Ramsay look alike.   Well he’s BACK!!!! This time he is tormenting cafeteria lunch ladies, especially poor Margaret, and bleeping hydrogenated school cafeteria lunches. I don’t know about any of you but I would be terrified to have him as […]

Yours truly is chattin it up with the wide known Christie from “The Chatterbox Show” on Blogtalkradio, this Monday morning at 10AM.  That’s right guys TODAY, you can listen to the interview right at your desk. So, if you want to hear about all that’s Yummy and learn more about ThatsSoYummy then tune in. It […]

Yummy Weekly Recap

In: Food Buzz

·  New Idea We Love: Cheap and Easy Brown Paper Bags Turn Into Take-Away and Menu Bags. ·  New Location for Farmer’s Market… at the White House. ·  “21 New Ways” To Serve Hamburgers ·  Quick and Easy Recipe: Lamb Burgers, Different but Yummy!!! ·  Want to Host Your Own Wine Party, learn how now.

What’s Cookin in “The Kitchn”

In: Food Buzz

Each week we round up our most yummy posts and recipes from our friends at the Kitchn. This week, the kitchn shares with us one of my sweetest temptations,  sweet fried plantains other wise known as platanos maduros. Also in the kitchn, disclosing 5 beers we love to hate, not wasting watermelon and drinking it, creative ways […]

Spin The Wheel and Pick Your Lunch

In: Food Buzz

Are you not sure what you should have for lunch today? Can’t decide between all of the yummy restaurants around you…. What about if you could just input your Zip Code and Spin A Wheel and the decision is made for you, making it painless and effortless. Sound pretty cool, huh! The Wheel Of Lunch […]

President Obama said on Thursday of last week that he and the First Lady Michelle, are looking into setting up a farmers market just outside the White House, which might sell food from the White House garden or from local farmers.  The president said it could give the city of Washington, D.C., “more access to […]

If you are a fan of bratwurst’s and if you have an iPhone, then your in luck… because Bell, a big swiss butcher chain, has just launched a new bratwurst-grilling application that can be downloaded to either your iPhone or iPod Touch.   This new application allows you to blow into the microphone to simulate fanning the embers and touch the screen […]

Are you one of those people that LOVE hamburgers? Every time you go out to eat in a restaurant you don’t even look at all the other delicious things that offered but go straight to the burger sections? If this is you and you find yourself nodding and agreeing with me then this is your […]

About That's So Yummy

Sharing and demonstrating my Love for food and to showcase different meals I have come across either through word of mouth, research, or coming up on my own. Introducing a community for all types of people who have the same passion as me, Food.