Polls Category

How Well Can You Eat with Chopsticks?

In: Polls

  Hmmmmm…. Chopsticks!  I think I was one of the fortunate ones out of my siblings that were able to pick up on chopsticks at a very early age.  It was never a thing where I couldn’t get it.  Although I am comfortable eating with them, I wouldn’t call myself an expert.  I started wondering […]

How Do You Like Your Popcorn?

In: Polls

DawnVGilmorePhotography/Flickr Is it a rule that every time you watch a movie you have to have a big bowl of popcorn with you? Is it set in stone that while your fully engrossed on the screen your mouth must be chomping away on salty buttery popcorn???  I asked myself this question because everytime I am […]

Source What would you prefer eating, Pizza or Pasta at an Italian Restaurant? [poll id=”5″]

How Do You Eat Your Cadbury Creme Egg?

In: Polls

When I was a little girl the one thing I always wanted more than anything, for Easter were Cadbury Creme Eggs.  I remember always waking up Easter morning and right before going to church my mom would have little easter baskets set up that the “Easter Bunny” dropped off for me and my brother and sisters.  Inside […]

What’s Your Cooking Personality?

In: Polls

In this downward economic climate we are all living in there is no wonder why people are turning more to home cooked meals than eating out in restaurants.   According to Food and Wine Magazine, “home cooking is the hottest food trend of 2009,” and the market-research firm Information Resources says “that supermarket shoppers are cooking more […]


That’s So Yummy Loves!

In: Polls, Thoughts

SO,  you can say that my mornings are pretty much filled to the max.  I start my mornings fairly early around 5:45am.  Running around waking up two little ones, who apparently are not morning people, Go Figure!  Trying to get them and myself dressed, fed and off  to school and work.

How will you celebrate Valentine’s this year?  Do you have BIG plans already made for your significant other like creating a romantic dinner for two, have reservations for a romantic dinner at a restaurant, breakfast in bed, or maybe you have some cool plans with the friends.  Let me know what you have planned this […]

About That's So Yummy

Sharing and demonstrating my Love for food and to showcase different meals I have come across either through word of mouth, research, or coming up on my own. Introducing a community for all types of people who have the same passion as me, Food.