Thoughts Category

Love It: Paper Menus Turn Take-Away Bags!

In: Thoughts

These adorable, creative yet elegant brown paper bags were the handiwork and creativeness of Casey Solomon and Karen Mordechai, the duo behind Sunday Suppers.   Sunday Supers is a Brooklyn based cooking class that shares ideal fresh foods with great friends.  If I was in the neighborhood I would definitely be out there.  So if any of […]

Is it ok to answer your cell phone during dinner? I ask this question because there have been so many times when I would be eating with my father or even some friends and y phone would ring and I would always wonder “should I answer it or let it go to voicemail?” Unless I […]

When Should You Tip More Than 20 Percent?

In: Thoughts

Most of the time, you need not tip more than 20 percent, but here are some occasions when you should be more generous: 1. Exceptional service where you wouldn’t expect it. If the waiter arranges a special pasta dish for you, sings happy birthday to your daughter, or replenishes that drink you just finished off […]

Do You Listen to Music While Cooking?

In: Thoughts

Some may say that cooking is an outlet for them, a chance to just be by ones self and attain some peace and tranquility. Sometimes one may feel the need to slip in their favorite CD and jam while chopping and sautéing.  When I am in my kitchen I love listening to music especially oldies R and B.  I […]

Are you a “Foodie?”

In: Thoughts

                  I have been hearing a lot of people ask this question lately… “What is a Foodie?” I have even been asked if I consider myself to be a foodie…. and I Do! In definition terms, a Foodie is someone who has a deep interest in food. In addition to […]

What Cuisines Don’t You Cook?

In: Thoughts

This question was asked on The Epi-Log and I just found myself thinking of which cuisines I never cook.  I think I might agree with Sarah Kagan, the writer who posted this question, on Indian.  Love it, could eat chicken tikka masala all the time but shy away from cooking it myself.  Now, the real question is […]

Hamburgers and Fries Bakerella Style

In: Thoughts

Ok, so just when I think Bakerella can’t come up with anything else that is adorable she blows me away and completely tops herself.  Above she has created a great Father’s Day treat for all those wonderful dads out there. According to Bakerella Cupcake Buns + Brownie Burgers + Cookie Fries = “One Happy Meal!” Just […]

ThatsSoYummy is Moving!!!!

In: Thoughts

ashman 88/ Flickr So, you may be wondering what on earth is going on with ThatsSoYummy these days? I’ll tell you…. ThatsSoYummy is moving, well technically I am moving 🙂  To sunny Orlando to open up a family restaurant, more of that great news to come so stay tuned…. So because of this crazy stressful […]

Do You Have A Signature Dish?

In: Thoughts

Steve Wampler/Flickr   Our friends over at the kitchn asked their readers a really important question, I thought, the other day “Do you have a dish that is requested by family and friends every time there is a function or a get together?”

Top Ten Snacks You Can’t Live Without

In: Thoughts

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post asking all of you which “top 10 foods can you not live without.” I have never been one who dies over snacks, but occasionally there are some that I do need to have on a constant or semi-constant bases.  Now my family is a completely different case.  They […]

About That's So Yummy

Sharing and demonstrating my Love for food and to showcase different meals I have come across either through word of mouth, research, or coming up on my own. Introducing a community for all types of people who have the same passion as me, Food.