I think we all are aware of what Twitter is by now.  If not well let me give you a brief explanation of the worldwide social networking-blogging service.  Twitter allows you the opportunity to stay connected, through tweets.  Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length. Updates are displayed on the user’s profile page and delivered to other users who have signed up to receive them. 

I happen to love my Twitter and along with it you are able to download your own Tweet Deck, which is your own personal browser for staying in touch with your friends that you are following or to just know what id going on.


As I have just completely went on a tangent…. I wanted to tell you all about what i came across yesterday while I was browsing some of my regular blogs.

Have any of you heard of BakerTweet????

[vimeo 3972081]
BakerTweet is a new online service that allows bakers to tell those that their hot and fresh products are ready.  This allows all of the bakeries followers to get a Twitter alert/message that their favorite baked goods are hot out of the oven.

The first BakerTweet has been installed at the Albion Cafe on Boundary Street in Shoreditch, London.  You can follow Albion Cafe @albionsoven on Twitter.

I definitely think that this will come in handy with bakeries…. maybe we will see them in restaurants next.
