In celebration of gay marriages in the state of Vermont, Ben & Jerry’s announced the changing of their iconic flavor Chubby Hubby to “Hubby Hubby.”  

With the launch of ‘Hubby Hubby’, Ben & Jerry’s is partnering with Freedom to Marry to raise awareness about why marriage equality matters and encourage nationwide support for the freedom to marry.

While Ben & Jerry’s does not plan on changing the labels on “Chubby Hubby” pints sold in stores already, due to the length of  changing product labels takes 18 months, The creamery’s six in-state ice cream parlors will sell the limited-edition “Hubby Hubby” sundaes during the month of September.

What do you think of this bold move of Ben & Jerry’s?  Do you feel motivated to go and buy some “Hubby Hubby” ice cream in advancing awareness of same sex marriages?