Burger King has confirmed that they will mail out $1 double cheeseburger coupons in August and September to nearly 80 million households nationwide. The decision was decided on after franchisees vetoed a proposal to offer the double cheeseburger at that price on in-store menus.

The franchise owners rejected the original promotion to sell the double cheeseburger at $1 for four months; and also later rejected a revised promotion plan to sell the $1 doubles for six weeks.
The rejection was due to franchise owners concerned about another dollar priced sandwich would hurt the company’s margin, especially since they already feature the Whopper Jr. sandwich for a $1.

Burger King will now offer $1 double cheeseburgers but only through mailed-out coupons. The direct mail coupon book will also include $50 in other coupons.

What do you think of Burger Kings new proposal?