I remember going to the

suppermarket just a few days ago

and walking down the produce

aisle and thinking hmmmmmm,

“What kinds of juicy fruits will I be

buying today?”

 So I bought some apples, oranges, bananas, watermelon, pineapples, and especially my daughter’s favorite grapes.

How she loves grapes so much i will always wonder, but she does…. She can eat them from start to finish, trust me I almost caught her doing it 🙂

But anyway, back to my story.  I purchased my fruits and when I reached home I saw that a few of my fruits were not fully riped.

I started thinking to myself…. “Do I Know The Secret on How To Keep My Fruits Luscious?”

Thats when I jumped on my laptop and started doing some research on that questions…. I saw a few different things but the one thing I saw that I thought was the best explanantion on how to keep my fruits juicy cam from a site I found called, Still Tasty.

I thought this info was so great I decided that I need o share it with all my readers…. 

So here it is 😉


Fruits That Need To Ripen At Room Temperature Before Refrigerating

These fruits will continue to ripen after they’ve been picked.  Premature refrigeration will cause fruits to lose their flavor and develop a mealy texture. Store these fruits at room temperature until they’re fully ripe, then refrigerate.


•     Apricots                                         •     Papayas 

•    Avocados                                        •     Passion fruit 

•     Bananas                                         •     Peaches 

•     Cantaloupe melons                   •     Pears 

•     Casaba melons                           •     Persimmons 

•     Cherimoya                                   •     Pineapple 

•     Crenshaw melons                      •     Plantains

•     Guava                                            •     Plums

•     Honeydew melons                     •     Prickly pears 

•     Kiwi fruit                                     •     Quinces 

•     Mangos                                         •     Sapote 

•     Nectarines                                   •     Star fruit


Fruits That Can  Refrigerate Immediately After Purchase

Once these fruits have been picked they will not ripen further but stay the way they are.  If any of these fruits are left out of the fridge, this will speed up their decaying process.


•     Blackberries                              •     Figs 

•     Blueberries                                •     Grapes 

•     Boysenberries                           •     Huckleberries 

•     Cherries                                      •     Litchis 

•     Cranberries                               •     Raspberries 

•     Currants (red, black or white)    •     Rhubarb 

•     Elderberries                             •     Strawberries


Fruits That Can Be Stored At Room Temperature OR That Can Be Refrigerated Immediately 

These following fruits will not ripen anymore but will last longest if you store them in the fridge right away,  It all depends on you and how you prefer to eat them, they will be fine if left out in room temperature.


•     Apples                                          •     Limes 

•     Clementines                               •     Oranges

•     Grapefruit                                  •     Pomegranates 

•     Kumquats                                   •     Tangerines 

•     Lemons                                        •     Watermelon

