
Remember when your parents would tell you “Don’t Mix Your Food!”  Well, they were right…. Thanks Mom and Dad.
According to the FDA’s assistant commissioner for food safety David Acheson, mixing raw nuts with roasted nuts is a HUGE NO NO.  In recent news, 2 million pounds of pistachios have been recalled from California that were distributed nationwide from Setton International Foods, Inc.  

One of Setton Farms’ customers, Kraft Foods, alerted the FDA of its findings, when discovered several strains of salmonella during routine analysis of pistachio products.  The possible cross contamination between both raw and roasted pistachios prompted this recall to be placed.

The last serious concern that the public was faced with came from the enormous recall of peanuts.  Hopefully, this is the last scare we will all have, and with the help of Obama’s vow to improve food safety we are on the beginning path.  

But until then Safety is the Best Policy… I will stay away from eating nuts for the time being, will you?