This question is being raised all over our schools due to some schools and activist groups who feel that chocolate milk should be banned from school cafeterias.

I know you may be looking at the screen asking yourself “WHAT?!?”  Ban chocolate milk…. not possible.

I know when I was a child before choosing anything I would go straight for the chococlate milk.  To this day I still love chocolate milk and so do my children.

I recognize the important role milk plays in our children’s lives today and so does Raise Your Hand For Chocolate Milk. Raise Your Hand For Chocolate Milk is a new campaign from the National Dairy Council and Milk Processor Education Program that is focused on promoting the benefits of keeping chocolate milk in schools and prevent them being banned as schools have done with sugary sodas and candies.

Top 5 Reasons to Keep Chocolate Milk:

  • Milk Provides nutrients essential for good health and kids will choose it over regular milk, the majority of the time.
  • Flavored milk contains the same nine essential nutrients as white milk and is a healthier alternative to soda and sugar juices.
  • Drinking low-fat or fat free white flavored milk helps kids get the 3-daily servings of milk needed in their diets.
  • Children who drink flavored milk meet more of the nutrient needs; do not consume more added sugar; fat or calories; and are not heavier than non-milk drinkers.
  • Low-fat chocolate milk is the most popular milk choice in schools and kids drink less milk (and get fewer nutrients) in schools if it is taken away.

You can also sign the “Raise Your Hand For Chocolate Milk” petition to show your support to keep chocolate milk on the menu in schools nationwide.

I raised my hand!  Did You???
Raise Your Hand for Chocolate Milk Badge