So 2009 has come and gone, and 2010 is here before our eyes.  This is the time when folks all around vow to make healthy New Years resolutions.  I know because I used to be one of those people who vowed that each year I would eat heathy and exercise.  The difference this year is that I vowed that I would start before the year ended and continue strong when 2010 began…. and that is what I have done.

A fellow food blogger, Lori from Recipe Girl decided the same thing and has organized a Ten in 2010 Healthy Challenge.  The challenge will begin, today January 2nd and will continue for 10 weeks.  The best part about it is that yours truly will be participating and you can too!  To jump start my goal, I joined my whole family at my local YMCA, not only is it for m e but for them as well.  A family that works out together feels better together. 😉 I am proud to say that I have been going everyday for the past two weeks and love it.. with that as well I am eating heathier, drinking plenty of water and cutting down on the sweets.

My goals for this challenge are:

  • Drink plenty more water
  • Eat more veggies and fruits
  • No more COKE or soda like products
  • No more sweets (this will be a hard one)
  • Workout everyday, giving myself Sunday possibly a break
  • Sleep at least 6 hours a night
  • Prepare healthy delicious meals for my family
  • Cleanse my body of all the nasty toxins I have accumulated over the years

Of course that doesn’t mean I will deprive all of my fabulous readers of the delectable yummies I make and share with you all because that would just be unfair.  I will just also be sharing more healthy and delicious recipes as well throughout my challenge.

For more information on the challenge and to sign up  visit Lori’s site.  Also, if you would like to track your progress on Spark People, we have a 10 in 10 group. Click here to join.

If this interests you at all then make sure to sign up and challenge yourself to become more healthy for you and your family.  WOuld love to support you and all of those that have already signed up for the challenge.  Let’s make 2010 an GREAT year and start it off right!

(Image from Recipe Girl)