(Image: Aypho/Flickr)

Have you ever heard of hypercooking? Do you know what hypercooking is?

Actually, do any of us… I know I didn’t have a clue what that meant and I live in my kitchen.

Let me educate us all, hypercooking, according to The Food Section describes it as “an environmentally-conscious way of cooking that seeks to maximize the impact of the energy used during the cooking process.”

A great example that demonstrates ways to hypercook is the Big Green Book by Jackie Newgent.  Newgent states “One of the major energy wasters is the ovens. “Only 6 percent (of the energy used) actually goes to cooking the food; 94 percent is just hot air.”

“Newgent also recommends turning off the oven before food is completely cooked.”

Let’s all try and do our part and be GREEN!