Fruitcakey/ Flickr

Do you think you may know the difference between vanilla and vanilla flavored ice cream?

Well last time I checked vanilla tasted like plain old vanilla… right? Well apparently not!

Here is a little insight into what Real Vanilla Ice Cream is.

  • Vanilla: This is made from pure Madagascar vanilla beans. 
  • Vanilla flavored: Means that vanilla only contains up to 50 percent artificial vanilla. 
  • Vanilla beans: Includes specks of vanilla bean that intensifies the flavor and enhances the ice cream appearance. 
  • French vanilla: This ice cram must contain at least 1.4 percent egg yolk, more than most vanillas. By this the ice cream will have a distinct yellow color and a custardlike taste.
  • Double vanilla: Made with twice as much vanilla as the original.
  • Slow churned or double churned: This special processing results in a smooth, rich, creamy texture.