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This summer has been H.O.T… HOT!!!

I mean I understand I live in Florida and this weather has been a little cooky, I mean its so hot during the day you you could probably boil an egg outside and then in the afternoon early evening it rains… I know, cooky.


During the summer we take so much advantage of going to the pool or the beach, and just lounging by the water.  Especially in this heat we have been cooling off in every possible.  We always invite our neighbors and friends to join us, I mean we all have kids the same age and plus us mom’s need some girl time also…



When hanging by the pool we spend a couple of hours together so we always pack a picnic lunch I mean these  kids eat non-stop during the summer. You know, you agree with me… So when I was asked to sample these new Starburst™ Sorbet Bars I was all on it.  I mean who as a child didn’t like Starburst the candy, and now in frozen form, it was a no brainer.



New STARBURST™ Brand Sorbet Bars pack an exhilarating burst of strawberry flavor in a light and delicious sorbet bar that is perfect to enjoy any time.



You can find these sorbet bars at Walmart and select grocery stores in 2.6-ounce 4-Packs for $3.99 and 2.6-ounce singles for $1.49 each.



Now to the FREE stuff, I’m giving away TWO coupons today to TWO lucky ThatsSoYummy readers.   All you have to do is leave a comment letting me know you would like a coupon.  I will be picking TWO random winners on August 7th!



To know more about this product you can check out Starburst Facebook and Twitter pages.

 Hugs ~ Tasha

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.