
Did you know that defrosting food by running it under hot water or leaving it out on the counter could be harmful to you.
 According to the USDA, they recommend these three safe methods.

The first way to defrost food is in the refrigerator.  Even though, most of us are usually in a rush when deciding on what to cook for dinner each night, using this method requires some early thinking.  Although this will make your meat defrost slowly, taking between 24 hours depending on the size of your meat, it is safe to cook and eat.

The second safe way is soak the frozen food in cold water.  This method is quicker than the refrigerator method.  If you choose this way, make sure the food is sealed leak-proof plastic bag.  Submerge the plastic bag fully in cold water, changing the water every 30 minutes.

The third and last way to defrost meat is to run the meat under a stream of running cold water.  

Of course the second and last method requires plenty of water that is wasted.  You can always use the microwave for a quick defrosting, but make sure to cook the food completely and immediately after defrosting due to possible bacteria that can appear.