Ever have trouble on measuring out ingredients when you are wanting to bake. Here is simple guideline to help you next time.

  • Flour: Before measuring flour, stir through the container, this will help to loosen the flour that has been sitting there. Lightly spoon the flour into a dry measuring cup, then level it off with a spatula or knife. Try not to shake off the excess flour, shaking will compact the flour and you’ll end up having too much.
  • Sugar: Spoon sugar into a dry measuring cup. Pack it firmly until it is all one level.
  • Shortening: Spoon shortening into a dry measuring cup. Pack it firmly into the cup and level off the top.
  • Liquids: Measure liquids in a glass measuring cup. Make sure to fill it just to the measuring line.
  • Butter: Butter sticks have tablespoon markings on the wrapper,  8 tablespoons per stick. Just slice off what you need when you need it.  *Always remember: 1 stick equals 1/2 cup butter.*