red velvet cake brownies

Everyone knows how much I love Red Velvet Cake.  You know how much I love brownies.  Did you ever stop to ask yourself how would Red Velvet Cake Brownies taste?  Its the combination of both worlds!!!!

Let’s just say they would taste AWESOME!  I wanted to make so sweet and delish because Valentine’s Day is tomorrow and my kids kept asking me to bake.  Of course I knew these would knock their socks off especially when combined with Dark Chocolate M&m’s and cream cheese frosting.


red velvet cake brownies

These brownies are rich in flavor but gooey in the center like brownies.  Plus who wouldn’t smile at the beautiful color they are.

They are so festive and perfect for your Valentine’s!


red velvet cake brownies 2

There’s still time to make these babies, Let’s start baking…

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ThatsSoYummy Joins Ziplist!!!!

30 Jan 2013 In: Food Buzz

Have you guys noticed anything different to the recipes that have been posted???

Let’s see how observant you all are… come on anything different at all…

ThatsSoYummy has partnered up with Ziplist.  An online place where recipes and shopping lists can be stored and created… I know pretty cool, right.  The best part is that not only can you save your favorite recipes from ThatsSoYummy to your personal favorites on ZipList, you can also save favorites from so many other sites as well.

A couple of other awesome things you can do with Ziplist is that you can add ingredients from your saved recipes to grocery lists which can be accessed from your phone, talk about convenience.  You can also create your own “Weekly Menu Planner” by adding any recipe to your “meal queue,” just like using Netflix… hehehe!!!

If you want to save a recipe to your recipe box, just click on the “Save Recipe” button above the main photo of the recipe on the recipe page.

Picture 1

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Project 365 2013 ~ January 5th-8th

8 Jan 2013 In: Project 365

Our life…

January 5th:  Waking up to the lake every morning is so serene.


January 6th:  Spent the day with this little munchkin… my niece.

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Project 365 2013 ~ January 1st-4th

4 Jan 2013 In: Project 365

For the past couple of years I see so many people embarking on a challenge called Project 365.  Have you heard of it?

Well it is a way to document an entire year of your life by taking a photo a day.  Yea… I know.  Sounds like a HUGE commitment.  I see so many people start off by taking pictures every day and posting them but after a while life gets in the way and people fall off the wagon.  You’re probably asking yourself… “Uhhhh Tasha don’t you think you have enough on your plate, why on earth would you want to add more?”

The answer is simple really, for the past couple of years time has been zooming by quicker then I can say supercalifragilisticespialidocious and if you ask me what happened in those years, I don’t know if I would be able to remember all of it… and that is a BIG problem for me.  Call it old age, call it running around with kiddies and everything, but its true.  I want to be able to look back at 2013 and see what made my year so amazing and remember all of the beautiful things that happened.  I know that God has some serious stuff he is working on in me and through me and I want to have it documented….

Do I sound looney?  Maybe… but I’m kind of excited to share with you all a picture a day…

Here are days 1, 2, 3, & 4

January 1st: Me starting P90x and making the decision to challenge myself physically.


January 2nd:  Gathering some delicious healthy recipes to add to my repertoire.

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2013 and what it means to me…

1 Jan 2013 In: Thoughts

2013! Wow can you believe it…  I can’t.  A new year usually means its the one time in everyone’s life where so many different resolutions are being made, I’m sure each and everyone of us have all made resolutions at one point in time– I need to make more money, I need a new job, I need to lose weight, I needs to get married, I need to have patience with my kids and/or husband/wife, I need to be healthy.  These are just only a few to name the list can go on and on…

Just yesterday my son turned to me and asked what my New Year’s resolution was going to be?  Of course I have been contemplating what I would choose to make as my resolution the minute that ball dropped at 12:00am last night.  The conclusion I came up with was simple…  To not make a so called “resolution” but a “decision”… A simple yet difficult decision ” TO BE A BETTER ME.”  That means in all aspects of my life.

Yes, like the resolutions listed above I want so many of those things for example… I have decided that in order for me to be a better mother and wife I need to be a healthier and better version of Tasha.  That means getting back on my regiment of working out each day, making healthier choices and being more active.  Yes, I fell off the wagon last year but I think it has to do with not doing it for me.  Starting my own personal 90-day challenge that enables me to lose the amount weight, which I will share with you all after my 90-days, with before and after photos… Eeekkkkk lord give me strength to show you all that.  Completing my first 5k run in 2013 is another goal, and of course getting my sexy back is not a bad thing either. 🙂

But do not think that because I will be challenging myself that I will stop sharing all of the yummy food I make… Of course I will, that will never stop or change, a girl still has to eat… Just smaller portions and better choices!

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National Bring Your Parents To Lunch Day

24 Oct 2012 In: Food Buzz

Last week I had the honor of participating in a National campaign that invites each and every parent of all kids in my children’s elementary school to come to lunch. I joined this campaign because I am a part of a great team, Moms Meet and I saw that Kiwi Magazine had partnered up with Stonyfield Organic Yogurt, School Lunch What’s Cooking, Whole Kids Foundation, and My Healthy School.

This National event was hosted by all of these businesses but are happening Nationwide in all schools.  I was so excited when I proposed this week to my PTA board and our amazing principal.  When they got on board and were as excited as me to get our parents into the school to be a part of their children’s lunches RSVP’s came flying in. I think we definitely have one of the best elementary schools in Orange County… TIMBER LAKES ELEMENTARY!!!!!!

The goal for this event was to not only to learn more about what goes into putting together a healthy lunch, and for parents and school officials to open the lines of communication so we can all work together on providing kids with the healthiest lunches possible. This was also a great way to showcase how our school is meeting the government’s new nutrition standards for school meals.

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Cinnamon Sugar Pull-Apart Muffins

26 Sep 2012 In: Recipes

Is there anything better than gooey cinnamon sugary dough?

I think not… I found this recipe the other day browsing, like usual…. and I saw how easy and simple it was to make and I wanted to try.  Now lately I have been loving the ease of baking, now of course I also made my homemade Lasagna Bolognese this past weekend, recipe to come Friday, but wanted to start the weekend off with something sweet and let me tell you these babies were gone in 5 minutes FLAT!


The entire time I was making them, with my little chef of course, I kept being asked by my oh so NOT patient husband and son, “Are they ready yet… Are they ready yet?”  Now let me remind you again this recipe takes about 45 minutes to make from start, baking, and drizzling of the icing.  And yes, these hungry belly ravenous men in my life couldn’t wait even that long…


Well of course after they were done baking and glazing I had to get my shots… hehehe.


But you would think that they were used to that by now… its only been three years of having to wait before your able to dig in!

These were such a hit they will be made again… Promise 🙂

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Hoisin-Soy Glazed Wings

24 Sep 2012 In: Recipes

Wings, Wings, oh how I love me some chicken wings…. 🙂

How did you like my singing so early in the morning, tell me was I a little pitchy? hehehe

For real though, I love chicken wings.  There are times when I crave a pate full of juicy spicy chicken wigs especially for game nights, movie nights, or family nights.  They are just so easy to eat and hang out with.  I first seasoned up my wings with fresh black pepper, minced garlic, and Chinese five spice powder.  Baked them until they were nice and crispy.  Now for the sauce or should I say the saaauuuuucccceeeeee, which was a mix of hoisin sauce, brown sugar, and soy sauce.  Simmer it all in a small pot and then poured it on the chicken wings after baking.


Absolutely Delish…


Give it a try next time you have a hankering for some chicken wings 🙂


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This is a sponsored post from the Moms Meet Program and Kashi.

School is beggining and I am always looking for fast, easy and nutritious snacks I can make at home, and if I don’t have the time I can buy.  Our schedules become so hectic with work, school, after-school activities (soccer and dance) and then getting home doing homework, cooking dinner and then bedtime… and then you turn around to do it all again four more days straight.  I know I’m getting tired just thinking about it… WHEW!

I was lucky enough to receive a package of Kashi’s Chocolate Soft-Baked Squares.  Now I have an intese sweet tooth and sometimes I like to try and fool myself in eating something that is good for me but still has the ability to satisfy my sweet craving.

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Nutella and Reese’s Milkshake

19 Sep 2012 In: Recipes

I have a sweet tooth!  Which for some of you, you are probably saying to yourself… DUH Natasha!!!! I know I really really do.  Sometimes I can control it… but then sometimes… it goes on a rampage and craves crazy things, like this for example.  I wanted to make a milkshake but wasn’t sure what kind.  Now I knew I wanted to add Nutella to it but the crushed Reese’s were a throw in at the last minute.  This combo came out rich and so creamy it felt like I was drinking Heaven in a glass!  I’m not big on whip cream so I didn’t add any but if you like it please feel free to add it.  Just make sure to sprinkle more crushed Reese’s on top.


love the layers…


Look at all of that Nutella….


Yeah baby, this was so yummy, may have to go and make myself another one…. toodles!

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About That's So Yummy

Sharing and demonstrating my Love for food and to showcase different meals I have come across either through word of mouth, research, or coming up on my own. Introducing a community for all types of people who have the same passion as me, Food.