• Mezcal, Mexico’s other spirit of agave plant  —  New York Times
  • For dinner, make a risotto inspired dish, Quinotto  —  San Francisco Chronicle
  • 45 years and still going strong, a Food Club with longtime friends.  —  Los Angeles Tribune

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Cinco de Mayo — Black Bean Salsa

1 May 2009 In: Recipes

Its Friday and Cinco de Mayo is around the corner.  Start off your weekend with this wonderful scrumptious black bean and salsa dip, by Everyday with Rachel Ray.

This is a great side munchie to snack on while drinking your favorite margarita… Yummy!

So start your weekend with a bang!

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Happy Hour: Classic Margarita

1 May 2009 In: Recipes

It’s happy hour time again guys and Cinco de Mayo will be here in just a few days…. are you ready to chow down on some Great Mexican food and drink some fabulous Margaritas?  

I know I am…… 🙂

Well to start your Happy Hour right try this Classic Margarita Recipe and sit back and enjoy your evening.  If you don’t like the classic then try your favorite flavored one, like the Prickly Pear Margarita…. now that one is a winner!

[youtube uDOtcVtxURc]

So kick back and enjoy the ride!
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As a 77 percent  drop hit Starbucks quarterly profit, as of Wednesday, the company has stated that they will lower some of their prices in certain markets.  They will, however, raise prices for some of the more complicated drinks, but lower on the basic ones. Apparently the big conglomerate is struggling to keep their customers due to the strain on the economy.
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Image by Steve Giralt


Have you ever attended a wine and cheese party?

Well now you can… reported by The Wall Street Journal, the French government along with a handful of wine and cheese producers, are spending over $2 million to sponsor wine and cheese parties in the United States and around the world, to “show that French cuisine can be relaxed.”
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I have never been a fan of beer for some reason.  I think the taste has

just never appealed to me so I am finding it a little difficult

in understanding why some food makers are trying to bridge a pairing

between popcorn and beer.

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  • Do you know what a Hot Brown is?  —  Epicurious

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Parmesan Roasted Potatoes

30 Apr 2009 In: Recipes

So I think we all know how to “roast” potatoes for this easy recipe for parmesan roasted potatoes.  You can pretty much add anything you want to add to potatoes and all you have to do after that is roast them.


Parmesan Roasted Potatoes

This recipe is so easy all you gotta do after you decide to make this yummy side dish is decide on what meat to pair with it… I made some real yummy lamb chops. 😉

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What’s In Season: Spring

29 Apr 2009 In: Food Buzz

Do you know what vegetables or fruits that are in season right now?


Here’s the list, so grab a pen and paper and start writing because the next time you make your way to a farmer’s market you’ll be prepared to do some veggie shopping!
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6 Cheap Cuts For Family Dinners

29 Apr 2009 In: HOT Tips!

Everyone is looking to save money here and there especially when grocery shopping.  I the meat department of the grocercy store shoppers are always weighing the prices of meats and what they can get for the most of their money.


Though steaks are quick and easy to prepare, they are often the most expensive meats in the supermarket.  If your budget is stretched and you are looking for ays to stretch it then you would prefer to buy less expensive meats like poultry, beef, or pork.

Here are a few cuts that might just help you out in the low budget department.
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About That's So Yummy

Sharing and demonstrating my Love for food and to showcase different meals I have come across either through word of mouth, research, or coming up on my own. Introducing a community for all types of people who have the same passion as me, Food.