(Image: Tim Waters/Flickr)

I think that we are all creatures of habit, and the main thing that we all go by is “We eat with our eyes!”  I know that I am victim of this, in order for something to be consumed I know that it must have a nice looking presentation and be appealing to my eyes at first.

I think that people already have a partial perception of what colors affect their senses.  No matter what we as people first without even smelling our food, which is important on its own, but look to see how food is presented to us at first before even taking a bite, and with that then do we determine if it is worthy of even eating.

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Because colors and presentation are so important many restaurants and food manufacturers add colors and dyes to their food for more visual appeal.  People have been conditioned to apply taste to certain colors and many experiments altering colors show that your expectations of the food you’re trying changes the perceived flavor of the food.