This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Always Discreet. The opinions and text are all mine.

I am participating in a sponsored campaign hosted by Always Discreet®.


We are delighted to be working with Always Discreet® on their sensitive bladder campaign – giving a voice to the one in three women who suffer from bladder sensitivity in silence.

Stay Dry with Always Discreet #PeeHappens

Why do we as women shy from talking about certain things? Why are we afraid to talk about our bodies and all the wonderful, amazing things we are able to do as women? I mean, for example, we are the ones who have been given the gift of childbirth. Women are! That in itself is an amazing gift bestowed upon us to pro create and continue life. For me I was always taught that ladies need to act a certain way and be proper and such. Of course over the years that still stands but with much more personality… LOL!

There are so many things that we are told as girls growing up. “Be polite, be strong, but don’t be abrasive. Be good, but don’t let people walk over you. Be well mannered and disciplined, but don’t talk about embarrassing things outside in public.” I think the list could go on and on and on… my head is spinning just thinking about all of them!

After having three kids, my bladder definitely has a mind of its own. I mean after pushing three kids, out your lower area is never the same. If I laugh too hard, sneeze or even cough hard I find that I leak on myself. I mean it’s human nature! Why should I feel embarrassed by something that is not in my control? I used to shy away and be so afraid if someone found out after my first when this would happen. Now, after three kids I’m like, “Listen if you make me laugh too hard, I’m gonna pee on myself… and I’m OK with that!”

I mean I’m only getting older and with that my body is changing whether I like it or not. Always Discreet Liners are great for light stress incontinence and these kind of episodes. Before I found these I had a few very embarrassing moments, with Always Discreet® those episodes are history. As a liner it’s minimal protection but for me it’s perfect.

Always Discreet aims to change the way women think and talk about bladder leaks. Did you know 1-in-3 women haves bladder leaks? 1-in-2 African American women 18yrs+ experience bladder leaks but only 1-in-9 use incontinence protection. Always Discreet wants them to know this a normal part of life, not something to be embarrassed by or a topic to avoid. Always has feminine, discreet bladder leak protection products that can enable women to live their lives to the fullest and without compromise. We would like your help to support Always Discreet’s mission to get the word out so women can feel
comfortable, confident, and in very good company.

Don’t Let Bladder Leaks Run Your Life!

All women at some point in time will encounter this issue once or have an ongoing bladder leaks… Please do not feel embarrassed to share your story or feel the need to keep it to yourself. You may just find that person who is in your same shoes dealing with the same problems as you! There are lots of us out there who use this discreet protection and should NEVER feel embarrassed about it. Always, the global leader in feminine protection, is revolutionizing the way women manage their sensitive bladders with Always Discreet to give women the protection they really need.

Always Discreet® liners, underwear and pads are curve hugging and offer extra protection with their of Double Leak GuardTM barriers to help stop leaks at the leg, where they are most likely to occur. They also have an innovative Odor LockTM technology that neutralizes odors instantly, and its RapidDryTM technology turns liquid to gel. Keeping us fresh and dry!

To try Always Discreet® check out their coupons here.

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Don’t suffer alone. We’re all in this together!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Always Discreet. The opinions and text are all mine.