Great American Bake Sale

It’s Wedenesday and although the weekend is over I have been re-cooperating from all of the baking I did last week for Share Our Strength’s Great American Bake Sale we had this past Saturday.  If you all haven’t already heard all about it then here’s a brief update, food bloggers nationwide banned together to be part of the The Great American Bake Sale Challenge, in their different cities and hosted bake sales filled with delectable goodies.  All of the proceeds we received were then sent to Share Our strength to help in the ending of childhood hunger.

Rachel and Angie

This was such an amazing event for me and my partners in crime… Rachel from Laptops and Stovetops and Angie from Southern Grace Gourmet.  These gals were the bestest and brought some of the most yummy treats ever.

We had…

Granola by Rachel

Tropical Chocolate Chip Cookies by Rachel

Homemade Granola and Tropical Chocolate Chip Cookies from Rachel…

Chocolate Chip Banana Muffins…

Even Angie’s little one is enjoying them so much 🙂

Rice Krispie Treats

Rice Krispie Treats …

Banana Bread Loaves

Banana Bread Loaves…

Raspberry Bars from Davis Bakery

Fresh Bagels and Raspberry Bars from Davis Bakery & Co. who were so kind to donate their delicious treats…

Cupcake Table


We even had a whole entire table dedicated to cupcakes…. it was a beauty!

Hershey Chocolate Cupcakes from Angie

Angie made Hershey Chocolate Cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting…

Hummingbird Cupcakes from Angie

Hummingbird Cupcakes (with Pineapple, Nuts, and Banana)…

Carrot Cupcakes

Carrot Cupcakes…

Low-fat Chiffon Cupcakes

Low-fat Chiffon Cupcakes…

Sourcream Chocolate Cupcakes from Angie

… and last but not least Sour Cream Chocolate Cupcakes with Chocolate Buttercream Frosting…. This was my favorite!  I ate TWO in 5 minutes! 😀

We had an amazing time at the park and saw some really incredible things like… One customer buying so many goods she actually had to tie them on to her bike…

and then we had the BIGGEST most EXCITING thing happen at the bake sale…

A man came with his kids and saw what we were doing and was so happy to help that he gave us a 100 dollar bill! That’s right you heard me $100 buckaroos… of course I thought I was hallucinating but Rachel had to say “Natasha, he is SERIOUS!”

100 dollar bill

It was a beautiful day that raised $300.00 for a great cause!  Thank you Gaby, from What’s Gaby Cooking, for spearheading the First National Food Bloggers Bake Sale… Count me in for next years event!

It will only be bigger and better!