This question was asked on The Epi-Log and I just found myself thinking of which cuisines I never cook.  I think I might agree with Sarah Kagan, the writer who posted this question, on Indian.  Love it, could eat chicken tikka masala all the time but shy away from cooking it myself.

 Now, the real question is have “I ever tried to make Indian food?”  and the answer to that would be NO!

 Although everytime I see a recipe or a post of chicken tikka masala I  am  always so intrigued that I say to myself that I will try but never do.  I  think I might be afraid of messing the recipe up so bad it not be  etable.  🙂

 So I usually opt out and just buy it to satisfy my craving.

 Do you have a cuisine that you shy away from cooking?  If so, what is it  and why??

 Image by michaelwhays/Flickr