
So this little guy is turning two today! Can you believe it…

I can’t! I mean I feel like I was just pregnant with him and told my husband that we were having a third. Do you remember when I told you all that I was expecting…

I think I had to do a double take on the fact that it had been 8 years since our last one and were not prepared.  I remember like it was yesterday when Jacob came into this world, 5 weeks early at that also… that day was crazy but so beautiful at the same time.  Plus the kids were in there and saw their brother make his debut which we thought would be an experience they would forever cherish.

Kennedy Family-2016

But God was not finished in creating this family of ours.

I am so happy that he wasn’t because I can’t see our life or family complete with out this little guy in it.

I mean life is definitely more hectic, crazy busy and running after a toddler definitely jeep us on our toes.


From Jacob learning to walk, getting ALL of his teeth by the age of 8 months, eating all — and apparently following in his brother and sister footsteps in loving all things sweet– LOVING all things Lion, talking up a storm and laughing at his own jokes.  The smiles, joy and laughter he brings us is in no way comparable.  Some of his favorite foods are Sweet Potato Casseroles, No-bake Protein Balls, Pumpkin Spice French Toast, Lasagna Bolognese… just a few to name right now  🙂

Kennedy Clan-2016

Life is so much yummier with ALL these three in it!
