
Bakerella, has done it again!
For all of you who have no clue what i am talking about let me tell you…. These adorable, creative, and quite delectable Easter Bunny Cake Pop treats you see before your eyes are the wonderful designs made by fellow foodie blogger Bakerella.  You name it, she will create it.  Its quite extraordinary what she does with a pack of lollipop sticks and some cake batter.

She just recently had a cake pop demonstration with none other Pioneer Woman, another one of my favorite bloggers… and Yes there are many that I love to follow. 🙂

But here are a few other Easter creations Bakerella has made…. Enjoy!


These Easter Eggs are just fantabulous….. yeah I made that word up also…. 🙂


(Click here for instructions on how to make cake pops)

Thank so much to Bakerella and her amazing creations… I wonder what she will come up next?????