Do you always wonder what your guests think of your food, or the special meal you just  prepared?

Or have you ever wondered if that meatloaf you prepared was delicious or that long  thanksgiving dinner you slaved over all day is up to par, look for these gestures.

Discover what they really think of your coking!

Closed Eyes

When food tastes really good, some people shut their eyes to block out their other senses and enjoy and savor what they are eating.

This is a Great sign that you made a delicious dish!

Stomach Touching

When this occurs, it is often assumed that the person is full. Touching the stomach after eating is a sign of satisfaction.

They are trying to hold onto the pleasant feeling, says body language expert Patty Wood.

Scrunched Nose and Lips

This will signify an unhappy eater.  These people will turn up their noses and lips when they feel the food is unenjoyable.

This will happen for only an instant so make sure to watch the one person you are trying to satisfy and impress closely.

Turning Away

You will always know when someone who is enjoying their food will be completely engrossed in it and surround their plate, however, for those who are not will often lean away pulling back their chests or leaning against the chair.  As if they are trying to get away from their pate of food.
