Filed under: Kitchen 411
Author: Tasha
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Elbows off the table.
Feet in the center of the chair.
Back straight, don’t slouch.
Bathroom breaks.
Chatter non-stop.
Burping, Slurping… I’m sure I could go on with the lovely list…
These are the issues that every parent finds they have when sitting at the table trying to eat as a family… I know I do.
I know at my table I sometimes feel as if I am a broken record, that keeps spinning and spinning, and spinning. Anytime when we are eating at the table, I am always a big stickler for teaching my children the proper ways to eat. I try to enforce these rules because I know that as they get older and when they are in public people will judge them based on their table manners.
The best way to teach kids tough is through PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!
Not only do good manners provide them with more confidence but also as welcomed guests.
To avoid burping and slurping all throughout dinner, teach your children some of these important rules:
- Wait until everyone is seated and ready to begin eating. In our house, no one can eat until after we bless the food and the hands that made it.
- Place your napkin on your lap. This usually oversized napkin definitely comes in handy due to spills and messes little ones tend to have while eating. Allow your little one’s the opportunity to do it themselves and feel independent.
- DO NOT talk with food in your mouth. I know my two have such an issue with this. It’s as if they have everything under the sun to want to talk about while they are chewing. Remind them to chew all of their food, swallow, and then speak. (We all know that children are NOT the only ones with this problem)
- DO NOT chew with your mouth open. Explain to your kids that only cows smack their lips and unless they live in a barn they too should keep their mouths closed.
- Teach your children the use of using their napkins to dab at the corners of their mouth, and how at the end of each meal to wipe your entire mouth.
- At home, go through all the foods that are allowed to be eaten with your fingers and which ones aren’t. For example, fried chicken, french fries, and hamburgers are all ACCEPTABLE to be eaten with your fingers. But macaroni and cheese, carrots, pasta, and rice etc. are a big no no.
- Last but not least try to instill in your children that though you may be a quick eater and finish before others do, NO ONE gets removed from the table until EVERYONE is finished eating. This will help instill great eating habits especially when you are eating out at a restaurant as a family and your child wants to go off and visit another table.
Yummy Weekly Recap - ThatsSoYummy.com
October 24th, 2009 at 9:01 am
[…] Table manners and children, what a long process. […]