TSY- Q/A 3

Bren Herrera is an Atlanta-based “Renaissance Woman”, who loves to cook, sing, and write.  Bren is not only a full-time personal chef but also a freelance food/travel writer.  You can see and read more of Bren on her blog, Flanboyanteats.

Bren Herrera

* Sweet or Savory?

Sweet for SURE!

* Which ingredient(s) do you use the most?

Garlic and Cumin

* What’s your favorite cooking smell?

Black Beans


*What is your most favorite cooking sound?

Mashing garlic with a natural stone

* In the kitchen, what’s your most treasured possession?

My pressure cooker.


* What do you look for inside a dish?

Consistency, synergy in ingredients, the LAST BITE has to be PERFECT!

* What is a “faux pas” in your kitchen?


* Is there a food you will not eat?

Pork and shellfish.

* What food is your guilty pleasure?


* Have you ever changed how you feel towards a food?

YES! I’VE BECOME A SNOB! LOL.  I still will eat just about anything, but my standards are much higher.


* If you could prepare a dinner for anyone, who would it be?

Andy Garcia or Meryl Streep.

* If you could choose a living or historical cook to prepare a meal for you, who would it be?

Nitza Villapol, The Julia Child of Cuban Cuisine.

* Which food website/ or blog would you die without?


* What is your favorite food related word?


* What is your favorite food shopping experience?

Farmers Markets overseas!  They are the best becuase you see and get to taste the food not akin to your own palate here in the states. It’s Awesome!


* If you could move, which country would you move to for the food?

France or Italy.

* What’s the dress code in the kitchen when you cook?

Stilettos.  A piece of my mom’s jewelry line, C.B. HERRERA.

* What would you request on the menu if it was your last supper?

Anything my mom makes.

* What food would you prepare to seduce someone?

A Lemon Almond Flan with a luscious caramel sauce they can lick straight out of the flan mold! It’s to die for!

* What food are you craving right now?

Dark Chocolate Biscotti with a frothy shot of Cuban expresso, sweetened to perfection with a cuban cracker topped with baked brie and guava on it!

* What is your comfort food?

Split Green Peas, called “CHICHARROS” in Spanish.

(Image by Wordle)