For the past couple of years I see so many people embarking on a challenge called Project 365.  Have you heard of it?

Well it is a way to document an entire year of your life by taking a photo a day.  Yea… I know.  Sounds like a HUGE commitment.  I see so many people start off by taking pictures every day and posting them but after a while life gets in the way and people fall off the wagon.  You’re probably asking yourself… “Uhhhh Tasha don’t you think you have enough on your plate, why on earth would you want to add more?”

The answer is simple really, for the past couple of years time has been zooming by quicker then I can say supercalifragilisticespialidocious and if you ask me what happened in those years, I don’t know if I would be able to remember all of it… and that is a BIG problem for me.  Call it old age, call it running around with kiddies and everything, but its true.  I want to be able to look back at 2013 and see what made my year so amazing and remember all of the beautiful things that happened.  I know that God has some serious stuff he is working on in me and through me and I want to have it documented….

Do I sound looney?  Maybe… but I’m kind of excited to share with you all a picture a day…

Here are days 1, 2, 3, & 4

January 1st: Me starting P90x and making the decision to challenge myself physically.


January 2nd:  Gathering some delicious healthy recipes to add to my repertoire.


January 3rd:   A healthy family is a happy family… well at least they will understand that later on in life.


January 4th:  Some cousin love.


4 days of memorable pictures and more to come.  Remember you can see more on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter !

Leave a link and share your Project 365 pictures below.  I’d love to see them!