Saltfish is just that, salted, dried fish, usually cod fish. Saltfish is an integral ingredient in Jamaica’s national dish, Ackee and Saltfish. You can find this salted fish in Caribbean, Italian and Asian markets. Choose pieces with white flesh, rather than yellow, with the skin still attached. Saltfish should store, wrapped airtight, in a cool, dark […]
(Image: Kaiton/Flickr) “Mommy what’s that?” “It’s ackee kk…” “Mommy what’s ackee?” These were the little questions my 4 1/2 year old daughter, asked me the morning I made Ackee and Saltfish for Christmas Day breakfast. Ackee is a red pear-shaped tropical fruit that contains poisonous seeds inside. No joke, the flesh of the ackee can […]
Parmigiano-Reggiano or otherwise known as parmesan cheese is a hard granular cheese, cooked but not pressed, named after the producing areas of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, and Bologna (all in Emilia-Romagna), and Mantova (in Lombardia), Italy. Did you know that only cheeses produced in theses areas are the only ones allowed to be labeled as […]
(Image: bookgrl/Flickr) Did you know that these delicious, sweet minty sticks of pure sugar began as a simple little white stick candy for children to enjoy. It wasn’t until the mid- 17th century that candy canes spread all throughout Europe, which at the time were used to decorate Yule trees and other food items. In […]
(Image: kthread/Flickr) It’s fall and its this time of year sweet potatoes are everywhere. Especially with Thanksgiving coming around, there is no other vegetable that is used more than the sweet potato. Do you have a special sweet potatoe recipe that you would love to share with us? if so please do at the end […]
(Image: Drewm/Flickr) Ooeeeyyy Gooeeeyyyyy Condensed milk… A thick, sticky-creamy, heavenly substance that drips off your spoon and into your mouth as you swallow the delightful cream known as Condensed milk. Sweetened condensed milk is a mixture of whole milk and about 40 to 45 percent sugar, which is heated until about 60 percent of the […]
Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee is not only the best coffee in my opinion, but the tastiest. It is grown in blue mountains of Jamaica, hence the name, between Kingston to the south and Port Maria to the north. The blue mountains are some of the highest mountains in the caribbean rising up to 2,300 metres (7,500 ft). Due […]
Al dente is an Italian term which describes the consistency of pasta cooked to a tender firmness. It literally means “to the tooth.” It also describes vegetables that are cooked to the “tender crisp” phase still retaining a crunch to its bite. Pasta al dente is considered to be pasta cooked “just right,” when it is slightly resistant […]
(Image: norwichnuts/Flickr) Alfalfa sprouts are a member of the pea family which, makes it one of the most cultivated vegetable in the world. It has the ability to be planted anywhere in the world, harvested and picked in seven days only, and doesn’t hinder on climate or temperatures. Alfalfa sprouts are derived from alfalfa seeds. They are white […]
Are the smallest in the onion family. They are referred to only in the plural, because they grow in clumps rather than as individual plants. Chives are excellent in savoury omelettes, and may be chopped and boiled with potatoes that are to be mashed, or chopped fresh and sprinkled, just before serving, on mashed potatoes, both […]
Sharing and demonstrating my Love for food and to showcase different meals I have come across either through word of mouth, research, or coming up on my own. Introducing a community for all types of people who have the same passion as me, Food.