Picture this…
The oh so infamous Julia Child walking into her widely used French inspired Cambridge home coming to find that it is occupied now by a vegetarian animal-rights activist.
That is kinda funny, come to think of it!
Ever since the release of “Julie and Julia,” the house and homeowners, Lisa Landsverk, have been besieged by tourists and snapping photos of the Cambridge home and leaving their love of butter (Julia’s favorite ingredient) on the fences in honor of Julia.
“It’s a bit ironic,’’ Landsverk said, in an understatement… especially since she does not find herself to be a foodie of any sort.
The variety of food that Landsverk and her family cook in the kitchen are “pasta, burritos, reservations.” So when the Boston Globe asked to see if the family wouldn’t mind cooking up some of the famous Child’s recipes in “Mastering the Art of French Cooking Vol. 1“, at first the family were a little hesitant, but agreed that they would try as long “Everything was vegan because they did not want to offend their animal-rights friends.”
Ratatouille was the dish chosen by Landsverk and daughters, Rachael and Teymura. Though they found the process to be long and very precise they embraced it with open arms and enjoyed every minute of it.
Great job guys, 1 down and 523 left to go!!!! 🙂
Sharing and demonstrating my Love for food and to showcase different meals I have come across either through word of mouth, research, or coming up on my own. Introducing a community for all types of people who have the same passion as me, Food.
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