Christmas has come… and Christmas has gone…. already!

Can you believe that…

That the year 2009 is practically over in just a few short days.  (Sigh)  Wow!  That’s pretty amazing if you ask me.  No more purchasing of the gifts, wrapping of the gifts, and last but not least opening of the gifts.  I am not sure sure how you celebrate Christmas Eve, or Christmas Day in your house but in mine we usually have a huge dinner the night before Christmas and then Christmas morning we go to brunch as a family later on in the day.

This year we did something a little different.  This year I cooked Christmas Eve dinner for my family and Christmas Eve breakfast, and let me tell you all being in the kitchen from 10am to 5pm, in one day is no joke. 🙂  Seriously… it was quite a day, but the result was simply AMAZING!

The menu consisted of, wait hold on….

First you have to promise me that you will not attempt to claw at your screen the minute you see the upcoming photos I am about to display for you… it wouldn’t be fair to your poor screen, hehehe. 😀

Here are a few things I made that night:

Rib-Eye Steaks marinated with fennel and rosemary.

Baked Macaroni and Cheese.

Twice-Baked Potatoes

Twice-Baked Potatoes.

Mediterranean Salmon Pasta Bowl

Mediterranean Salmon Pasta Bowl.

Are you drooling yet?  (Click recipe name below for all individual recipes… Enjoy!)

What did you eat on Christmas Eve? Would love to hear below…