Ever want a quick and clever way to chill your wine before your guests arrive? I found this easy solution to chill your wine…. Thanks Real Simple! All you will need is a wine bucket, ice, cold water, bottle of wine, salt.
Time Inc. Studios
1.) Add ice to the bucket Fill the bucket a little more than halfway with ice cubes.
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2.) Add cold water Pour a large amount of cold water in the ice bucket. The water should just cover the ice cubes.
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3.) Add salt Add two handfuls of salt to the ice bucket.
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4.) Add the bottle and stir After placing the wine in the ice water bucket, wine should be ready in 25 to 30 minutes. Be sure to wipe the bottle well making sure all salt is removed, before opening it. **Tip: To keep a bottle cool, strap an ice pack onto wine with a rubber band. Wrap a tea towel around both to disguise your wine cooler.
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