When I was a little girl the one thing I always wanted more than anything, for Easter were Cadbury Creme Eggs. I remember always waking up Easter morning and right before going to church my mom would have little easter baskets set up that the “Easter Bunny” dropped off for me and my brother and sisters. Inside mine were always these chocolate covered creme eggs. It was the highlight of my Easter holiday.
Did you know that The Cadbury Egg was first introduced in 1923 but did not launch till 1971. Over 300 million Cadbury Creme Eggs are made each year, with a third being exported. I think these sweets are one of the most anticipated chocolates every Spring.
Every time to this day, when I see a Cadbury Egg I buy them and eat them and remember those memories as a child and how I enjoyed eating them.
I’m not sure if you know, but there is an artform to eating these Cadbury Creme Eggs.
* 53% of people bite off the top, lick out the “creme” then eat the chocolate
* 20% just bite straight through
* 16% use their finger to scoop out the “creme”
Also how people unwrap their eggs can also reflect their Creme Egg eating style, some are…
* Delicate Peelers – To achieve a considered, methodical & subtle eat
* Stage Peelers – Who unwrap just enough to keep the ‘creme’ off their fingers
* Quick Discarders – Who rip off the foil as they just can’t wait to eat their Creme Egg
I am definitely a delicate peeler and I bite off the top and lick out the creme.
How do you eat your Cadbury Egg?
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