fried mozzarella sticks

Is there an appetizer that no matter where you go you always find yourself ordering?  When my sisters, brother and I were little, and even up to this day when we go out to eat, we always get fried mozzarella, whether it be in the stick form or wedges, we always get it. I mean what is better then hot crispy fried cheese???? NOTHING, I know!!!!

There are so many variations to making mozzarella sticks.  You can fry them. You can bake them.  You can roll them in breadcrumbs or… you can roll them in Panko crumbs.  Panko was the way I chose to go.  I love using panko crumbs.  It just gives your food such great texture and the crunch you get is pretty outstanding.

My mouth is starting to water just thinking of these mozzarella sticks…. Mmmmmm.

Fried Mozzarela Sticks  

The beauty with making mozzarella sticks is that you can prep them for your next shindig or when you just want to make something quick to nibble on at home.  Or you can freeze them and use later on when your in a bind or having a party.  It just a great way to stack your freezer up with a tasty snack you know your family will love.

I’ll stop rambling on and just get to the point where I share this fantastic yummilicious recipe with you all, (and yes yummilicious is a word, well at least it is for me) 😉

mozzarella sticks collage2




mozzarella sticks collage







Fried Mozzarela Sticks

Oh melted cheese you are soooooo lovely!!!!!!!




Fried Mozzarella Sticks  

Enjoy and see you next time!