It’s happy hour time again guys and Cinco de Mayo will be here in just a few days…. are you ready to chow down on some Great Mexican food and drink some fabulous Margaritas?  

I know I am…… 🙂

Well to start your Happy Hour right try this Classic Margarita Recipe and sit back and enjoy your evening.  If you don’t like the classic then try your favorite flavored one, like the Prickly Pear Margarita…. now that one is a winner!

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So kick back and enjoy the ride!


Classic Margarita

Start with silver tequila, and in a mixing glass add about two parts, and then to that we’re going to add about a part and a third of orange liqueur. Now in this case, we’re using Grand Marnier. You could use Triple Sec or Cointreau. One part equals one ounce, and it’s important to measure these ingredients out. If you have jiggers, they’re the ideal measuring tool for cocktails.

Add equal parts of simple syrup. Simple syrup is an equal combination of sugar and water, and just put it in a closed vessel and shake the two together until the sugar is completely dissolved.

So equal parts simple syrup and, using our citrus squeezer, we’re going to add about one part of fresh lime juice. 

Shake it until it mixes all together.

Once chilled serve it in a chilled salted rim glass with a wedge of lime.

Enjoy! 😉

