Kamran Siddiqi is the 17 year old high school student who not only aspires to attend culinary school after graduating from college but is also the talented food driven food blogger of The Sophisticated Gourmet. Kamran recalls cooking from the age of six and has a tremendous love for all things “butter.”
* Sweet or Savory?
* Which ingredient(s) do you use the most?
I definitely use tons of butter and milk the most. Sometimes I think I beat Paula Dean in the butter category because I am always using butter.
* What’s your favorite cooking smell?
My favorite cooking smell definitely has to be the smell of simmering meatballs. Specifically these meatballs.
* What is your most favorite cooking sound?
My favorite cooking sound has to be the sound of the knife against a cutting board. I don’t know what it is, but chopping vegetables is always calming after a hectic day.
* In the kitchen, what’s your most treasured possession?
My most treasured possession definitely has to be my set of mixing bowls. I can’t live without them. I am always mixing something in those bowls, whether it’s for something I am cooking, or something I am baking.
* What do you look for inside a dish?
Can I say that it’s a fact that most of us eat with our eyes first? In every dish that I eat (and or make), I always look for things that satisfy my major senses- look, smell, and taste. I know a lot of the time Indian food can be look so unappetizing that no one may want to eat it, but for some reason, I look past the looks of Indian food for the simple fact that the stuff tastes good. Sure, there are several Indian dishes that look amazing, but some things, such as Saag (spinach puree) can look like green goop and smell like God-knows-what, but sometimes, we have to take a risk and go with our major sense (when eating)-taste.
* What is a “faux pas” in your kitchen?
Definitely has to be: DON’T OPEN THAT OVEN!
* Is there a food you will not eat?
I eat just about everything, but I cannot get myself to eat any organs of chicken, or any other animal, for that matter.
* What food is your guilty pleasure?
Chocolate. I have to get at least two fixes of chocolate a day. It’s a fact.
* Have you ever changed how you feel towards a food?
Tomatoes. Until a couple months ago, I hated everything and anything about tomatoes. I’d eat ketchup, and things made out of tomatoes, but I wouldn’t eat raw tomatoes… Now, I’m a little nicer on tomatoes. I’ll eat only certain tomatoes (mostly heirloom) raw on a slice of baguette spread with butter. Otherwise, the stuff has to be seasoned, cooked, or can’t taste like I’m eating metal.
* If you could prepare a dinner for anyone, who would it be?
I’d definitely prepare dinner for my Grandfather who passed away when I was five years old. He meant a lot to me and taught me many things that have helped me get through life. If I could, I’d prepare a nice dinner for him, to thank him for all he had done for me as a small child.
* If you could choose a living or historical cook to prepare a meal for you, who would it be?
I can’t choose! It would have to be Paula Deen. The woman is brilliant, and is my idol in the kitchen. Did I mention that I call her my third grandmother? Long story short- she uses as much butter as my grandmothers and I use in our dishes. I guess you can say my grandmothers are addicted to all things butter- sticks of butter, ghee, etc.
* Which food website/ or blog would you die without?
Oh, this one is tough, I have so many food sites that I’d die without, but I have to say that I’d die without Elise Bauer’s site, Simply Recipes. Elise is not only one of the kindest and smartest people that I know, she’s been a household name in my family since as long as I can remember. When we didn’t have a recipe for something, we’d simply Google it, and an awesome recipe from her site would come up. I’d die without Elise’s beautiful site.
* What is your favorite food related word?
Yummalicious! Doesn’t it have a nice flow to it?
* What is your favorite food shopping experience?
Oh, there have been so many of them! Whenever I go food shopping, I always have fun and discover new things. So, I’d say every food shopping experience that I’ve had has been my favorite.
* If you could move, which country would you move to for the food?
I’d definitely move to France.
* What’s the dress code in the kitchen when you cook?
It’s definitely always casual in my kitchen. A clean kitchen towel on my shoulder is always necessary for drying my hands after washing them several hundred times.
* What would you request on the menu if it was your last supper?
Definitely chocolate macarons. They’re the best!
* What food would you prepare to seduce someone?
Definitely something with chocolate in it.
* What food are you craving right now?
The last batch of chocoalte macarons I made the other day. Sadly they were gone once they were seen by my family, but if I have time this week, I’ll be able to satisfy my craving.
* What is your favorite comfort food?
My ultimate comfort food has to be my vegetable lasagna. It’s pure comfort food in itself. It doesn’t take too long to make, and it’s pure heaven on any day of the week. For some reason it always tastes better the second day…
(Image by Wordle)
Sharing and demonstrating my Love for food and to showcase different meals I have come across either through word of mouth, research, or coming up on my own. Introducing a community for all types of people who have the same passion as me, Food.
kamran siddiqi
December 22nd, 2009 at 7:35 pm
Thanks so much for the mention! I am truly honored!! 🙂
December 23rd, 2009 at 7:34 am
Thank so much Kamran for participating and being a part of my Yummy Questionnaire. Your Fabulous!
Jen @ My Kitchen Addiction
December 26th, 2009 at 10:38 pm
Great interview with Kamran… one of my favorite bloggers!
December 27th, 2009 at 8:15 am
I know he is adorable! 🙂 Can’t wait to see yours up next week.